The Magick is Within You

Live the Magick

Wyndsong Magickal Arts provides ways to make magick real and tangible in your life at a spiritual level. We offer several ways to learn about and experience tarot and astrology. We offer in depth explorations of Pagan concepts and other spiritual insights. We investigate different ways to make the magick real in your life, incorporating it at an every day level.

Our Offerings


We believe that Tarot is a window into our subconscious. We offer intuitive tarot readings, Tarot Circles timed with the Wheel of the Year, and Tarot courses throughout the year.


In our hustle-and-bustle culture, we have become disconnected from nature and the cycles around us. We offer ways to reconnect with the cycles of nature through observance of the Wheel of the Year, through Tarot Circles, and other methods.

Coming Soon: Astrology

We offer basic courses on Astrology, the energies of the planets and signs, and how they relate to Tarot.

Coming Soon: Candles

I make candles infused with intention by aligning color, scent, herbs, and stones. Use these candles to amplify your intentions as you do your magickal work.